What we hear is not the objective of our communications: connecting is. As Senders, we speak as part of the communication process; as Receivers we hear as part of the communication process. But unless there is a completed cycle of Sender → Receiver → Sender, and a connection occurs in which there is mutual understanding, there is no communication. Given those guidelines, are you connecting with your buyers?
As sellers, we end up biasing many of our conversations due to the sales process itself. When we enter conversations with a goal in mind – to discover who might have a need for our solution, or seek an appointment, we bias the conversation and limit the connection. Not only do we listen only for what we want to hear, but we pose questions to get the answers we think we need and miss all that might be possible.
What if
Because we bias our conversations with buyers, we restrict possibility. We get lost on our end of a conversation, and don’t enable something larger, like being real facilitators to a buying decision. When we make assumptions, we teach buyers how to defend themselves against our folly rather than work together creatively. When we misunderstand, mishear, or misinterpret, we lose buyers because our conversations seem to be about us, not them, and they feel ignored, abused, or as if they are pawns in a game not of their making.
It’s possible to hear your buyers without bias, assumptions, or misinterpretation, in order to achieve true communication. Are you willing to relinquish your restrictive goal and consider an inclusive one that enables creativity and leadership? Are you willing to truly communicate with your buyers?
I’ve written a new book that provides the tools and skills to hear others without bias, assumptions, triggers, or misunderstanding. What? Did You Really Say What I Think I Heard? is a provocative, original book that covers new ground in the communication industry. It breaks apart how our brains keep us from hearing what’s being said, and offers tools to listen objectively. Let’s all start communicating, together.
Contact me with questions about how to hear others without biases or how to train your team. Let’s make ‘hearing what’s intended’ the new buzz phrase. Because if we all can hear what’s intended, we can make a huge difference in the world.
Sharon Drew Morgen | 512-457-0246 | sharondrew@sharondrewmorgen.com
Sharon Drew Morgen November 28th, 2014
Posted In: News